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Painters and sculptors / Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux
Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux (1827-1875)
The dance (La danse),
Sculpture, group, 1869, 420 x 298 x 145 cm
The dance (La danse), Sculpture, plaster, gilt, 1868 approx. 55 cm height
The dance (La danse), Six sketches for "The dance",
Drawing, black pencil on paper, Drawing, black pencil on paper, 1868 approx.
Drawing, black pencil on paper, Drawing, black pencil on paper, 1868 approx.
1868 approx. 23.7 x 17 cm 24.5 x 16 cm
The dance (La danse), Painting, oil on wood, 1868 approx. 56 x 38 cm
Dancing woman (Femme dansant), Study of female dancers (Etude de danseuses),
Drawing, black pencil on paper, 1868 approx. Drawing, black pencil on grey paper, 1868 approx.
20.9 x 13.2 cm 13 x 8.2 cm
The dance of the Graces (La danse des grâces), Sculpture, terracotta, 1868 approx. 77 cm height
The spirit of the dance The Dance, by Mr. Carpeaux The dance (La danse)
(Le génie de la danse), (La Danse, par M. Carpeaux), Sculpture, group, Echaillon stone,
Sculpture, bronze, brown patina, Print, wood, 1869, 12.5 x 9 cm 1869, 420 x 298 x 145 cm
1872 approx. 51.4 cm height
The Dance, by Mr. Carpeaux (La danse, par M. Carpeaux),
Print, wood, 1869, 12.5 x 8.7 cm
The spirit of the dance (Le génie de la danse),
Sculpture, white marble bust, 65.7 cm height, 1870 approx.
The spirit of the dance (Le génie de la danse),
Drawing, black pencil on newpaper,
21.7 x 13.5 cm, 1872